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Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 364 in total

How Can I Sing for God?

God does not require us to sing on-tune.  And no pitch correction is necessary.  You won't hit all the right notes every time, but make sure you sing from your heart a...

How Can I Show Kindness?

We are sometimes so focused on our well-being, we forget that we have enough of us left over to share some smiles with someone else.  

What Does Heaven Look Like?

Some say they have been given a sneak peak.  Do we really want to know, or is it better to anticipate?  

How Can I Keep Church, Sacred?

Religion has a way of turning into a business. That's because it has a human element.  Have you ever experienced faith turing into dollars and cents?  Crossting the li...

How Can I Turn Away From Temptation?

Temptation is everywhere we exist.  Not easy to ignore but it becomes a little easier when you put God first.

How Can I Accept Not Always Being First?

First place or nothing.  Uncomfortable, but that space requires some special thinking.  Have a conversation with God to see what He thinks?

How Can I Help Others

We are all naturall focused on US, right?  So, how do we take that focus and look around US, instead?  Someone can use our help.

How Can I Better Trust in God?

Doubt is an emotion we all struggle with, because when things don't go our way, we believe that God forgot about us.  Here's the deal, God doesn't forget about anyone,...

How Can I Get Rid of Bad Habits?

Sometimes bad habits stop when we are confronted with a negative result, like a health episode or some other kind of issue.  Bad habits are broken when they start with...

How Can I Keep My Faith From Fading?

Faith should be a good habit. One that you practice daily.  Too many times we leave faith at the church on Sunday.  Try to make that Sunday an every day in your life. ...

How Can I Let Go of Anger?

Anger is like a cancer.  It will destroy you and those around you.  Letting go of anger is not easy, but it is a path to resolution.  Ask God how you can take those fi...

How Can I Be Stronger For God?

First, don't try so hard.  God has given us the power to tell His story.  Just be yourself and you will discover that God who lives in you, is a powerful message for o...

What Are Acts of Devotion?

You go through your day and wonder if what you have done will make a difference.  Truth is, if they do, you have shown devotion.

How Can I Make My Voice Louder for God?

A whsiper is louder than a yell.  Speak softly, and make sure the words you are using, are centic to God.  Your voice will be heard around the world.

How Can I Hold Onto Hope?

Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.  God can see where we are and where we will be when the crisis passes.  Hope is the thread that is strong enough to...

How Can I Create Opportunities?

Ever know someone who snoozed through life?  What a shame.  God put us here to do something great.  Great things are all around us.  Discovering opportunity means you ...

How Can My Voice be Stronger for God?

You don't have to be the loudest barritone in the choir to let folks know that God is good.  But you do have to be consistent with the message and the way you walk thr...

How Can I Keep My Faith Strong in Tough Times?

It's easy to get mad at God when things aren't going the way you think they should.  Think about those days as challenges to strengthen your faith, and watch what happ...

How Can I Save a Lost Cause?

Give up?  I don't think so.  In God's world, there are no lost causes, only opportunities.

How Can I Recover From Tragedy?

It's true, we cannot avoid those stormy days in our lives.  With a strong faith, recovery is a much better outcome when God is included in the conversation.

How Can I Lose Anger?

I hate anger.  But, it is a part of resolution.  Question is, how can you make that transition from anger to resolution?

How Can I Help Others Make Good Choices?

On social media they're call influencers.  In life, you are important in helping others make good choices.  Ever think about that?

How Can I Be a Better Observer?

Just look the other way, ignore what you might be able to do to help someone else.  Bad advice in all aspects of life.  So, how is your vision?

Why is Spiratual Structure Good?

We live by rules and parameters.  If we live outside that behavior, we discover that we might get in trouble.  But spiritaul parameters are the ones we live by today, ...

How Does Jesus Know Our Sorrows?

We're just one person.  Not someone special.  So how does God know what we need and when we need it?  

What is Grace and Mercy?

We desire grace and mercy in our lives, but do we really understand the importance of it?

How Can I Keep My Focus on Jesus?

Our world is a huge distraction when it comes to faith.  The good news is that Jesus has the power to overcome anything that our world throws at us.  Simply, keep your...

How Can I Live Better With Jesus?

Ever have a best friend that was there on the sunny days and the stormy days?  Good friends like that are hard to find.  Good thing Jesus is right there waiting for yo...

How Can I Make My Faith a "Daily Faith"?

Church on Sunday, business as usuall the rest of the week.  Not exactly what God had in mind.  Consider your faith being a daily faith.

How Can I Shake Off Bad Things?

The world piles on bad every day in our lives.  If we learn to shake it off, we find that "bad" doesn't have to spoil today.  Do you know how?

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