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Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 364 in total

How Can I Help Others Through a Legacy?

Our lives are a reflection of how we lived our life.  More importanly, how we left a legacy, or an impression on our world.  So, what's your legacy?

How Can I Walk Away From Evil?

God interrupts us when we are headed in the wrong direction, just like our GPS does, with a warning.  Have you heard His voice when you are headed in the wrong direction?

How Can I Walk Away From Discord and Hate?

As human beings, we are easily agitated and provoked by our world.  Now, consider being able to walk away from what our world dishes out.

What is Kindness?

Kindness can be a number of things.  See if you can discover the ones you share.

How Can I Be a Better Voice For God?

You sing in the shower, right?  Okay, let's take that shower voice and let it sing for God.

How Can I Be Kinder to Others?

Kindness is a tough emotion.  That's usually because we are caught up in our own daily drama.  So how do you overcome that behavior?

How Can I Appreciate God?

We are all victims of taking things for granted.  Then one day, we get a wake up call and we discover that the things we appreciate, should be taken more seriously.  

How Can I Share God with Others?

Okay, so we have a voice and we find it easy to converse with others, but not always as easy to share God with others.  Has that ever happened to you?

How Can I Let Go of The Past?

The past is a powerful place.  It sits on our shoulder and sometimes, won't go away.  Turn to God to help you move beyond the past.  

How Can I Have a Good Attitude?

It's easy to look at our world and experience the flaws with a dark attitude.  Instead, look at the opportunities for making those flaws dimmer.  Your attitude will be...

Where is God?

You can't access the internet to find a map location for God.  That's because in our world, he exists in each of us.  No GPS needed.

What is Hope?

You have hope.  Some days hope is not as strong as it should be.  Let God level out your hope so you can experience it even on the toughest of days.

How Can I Keep a Promise?

Your words are powerful.  They define who you are.  Are there some times that you forgot to keep your promise?

How Can I Give Sacrifically?

We are given 24 hours a day to live our life.  What portion of the day have you given to God?

A Son Has Been Given...

Today, please quiet the noise of the holiday and listen for the true sounds of the day.  Today, we recieved the gift of salvation.  Merry Christmas.

What is Respect?

Respect is an inward and outward expression of who we are.  To get respect, we need to give respect.

How Can I Find Eternity With God?

You've heard that our time on this earth is a short visit, but time with God is for eternity.  So, how can I make today count?

How Can I Make Good Choices?

God has a way of slowing us down when we get in a hurry to make a decision.  Clear your mind and turn to God to see what He thinks.

How Can I Follow My Heart?

You've most likely heard the saying and you wonder if that's something you have the courage to do.  With God's help, the journey is a lot easier.

How Can I Be a Better Friend?

We sometimes are so focused on ourselves, we lose sight of those close to us.  Being a friend is easy.  Being a true friend takes some work.

How Can I Find God?

Good question, huh?  Start my making time to understand his message, and then make that time a regular part of every day.  He's waiting.

How Does Faith Fit Into my Life?

We are creatures of habit.  We follow a schedule and we find time to get the things done that need to be done.  The same rules apply to our relationship with God.  

How Can I Deepen My Relationship with God?

As with any relationship it is our desire to deepen that relationship to better fulfill a positive outcome.  It's no different with God. The closer you are, the better...

What Does God's Voice Sound Like?

Ever wonder what God's voice sounds like?  Or maybe you've heard his voice and you didn't know it was Him.

How Do I Find a True Friend?

It might happen online at one of those relationship sites, but true friends are the ones that even on the darkest of days, is right there without you even having to re...

What is Success?

Are you successful?  Money? Property?  Cars?  Fame?  So, what IS success?  It's a lot more simple than you think.

How Can I Strengthen my Relationship with God?

We can always do better in every aspect of our lives.  That also applies to our faith.  Time to make that a stronger bond.

How Can I Find God in My Life?

Our lives are full of noise.  Sometimes the noise is so loud, we can't hear the voice of God.  It's time to turn down the noise and listen carefully.  

How Can I Have the Courage to Believe?

A relationship with God is powerful, and sometimes, scary.  Taking that first step is essential. Do you have the courage?

Am I Deserving of God's Gifts?

We deserve nothing.  We earn nothing.  It is by God's grace that He gifts us unconditionally.  That's amazing.

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