All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 364 in total

How Can I Stop Anger?

Anger is a release of energy and sometimes that release is necessary for healing and resolution.  But, not every time.

What is the Message of Christmas?

Sure, the birth of baby Jesus.  But isn't there more to the story?  Yes, there is.

How Can I Grow My Faith?

Have you ever wondered how you can do better at faith?  You've got it, but you want more.  Let's find out.

How Can I Handle Tomorrow?

Tomorrow is scary, because we most times don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Other times, tomorrow is the day we are waiting for, because today isn't working out so ...

What Does God's Glory Look Like?

We all want to please someone else.  So, how about God?  What does God see in us that pleases him?

What is Happiness?

Simply, it's a level of peace and calm where you'd love to exist all the time.  Do you sometimes search for happiness, and don't find it?

How Does My Behavior Demonstrate My Faith?

Here's the thing.  What would your mother say?  Yeah, your behavior is an important connection to your faith.  So, behave yourself.

What is My Mission in Life?

You wake up.  Now What?!  So, what is your mission in life?

How Can I Sing God's Praises?

To be able to sing, you don't have to know how to carry a tune.  Your words, when you're praising God are the most beautiful melody's of all time.  No wrong notes, onl...

What is Bravery?

Like the lion, it was courage.  He had it all along but he didn't know it was there.  Bravery or courage is within all of us.  Before you test it out, have a conversat...

What is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit?

God talks to us and gives us the tools to make it through life.  This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Before deciding that you have a solution, ask God to help.  And...

Does God Really Know Me?

Have you ever met someone famous and later said, they'll never remember my name.  Okay that's true, but there is one person who will always know your name.  He's prett...

What is My Why?

That seems to be the buzz phrase these days.  So many books have been written about it.  To find your why, open the Bible.  Your name is written in there, with a job d...

What is God's Favor?

God keeps an eye on each of us.  He also gives us a nudge when we start to stray from his direction.  Staying in God's favor means you need to listen when that little ...

What is the Holy Spirit?

Simply, it's affirmation that belief in God is understood.  And that even little old you are included in that circle.  That's a powerful connection.

How Can I Stay Connected to God?

This is kind of cool.  You don't need a phone line or a password to have a conversation with God.  You are never out of cell range or out of battery.  Simply, connect.

How Can I Tollerate Imperfection?

I'm right, you're wrong.  I'm perfect, you're not.  Time to wake up.  We are ALL imperfect.  Consider that before judging someone else.

How Can I Run Side by Side With Jesus?

God is a friend who is always by our side.  The good times, the bad times.  Good news is that he never leaves our side.  It's not too hard.  Just reach out and take hi...

How Can I Find Safety in Jesus?

Do you have a favorite place where you instantly feel safe?  Maybe it's a person, or a spot in your home.  With God, a safe place is a spot where you feel comfortable ...

What is Important to God?

Everyone, everything, every second of our lives.  That includes you.  Have you spoken to God about how much he loves you?

How Can I Get Salvation?

Being saved is kind of scary, isn't it.  How will I be different?  What if it doesn't stick?  The upside of life is found on the other side of salvation.  Go ahead, ju...

Why is Knowledge Important?

You can run out of gas, run out of food, run out of money.  But you will never run out of an opportunity to learn.  Learning is the way to grow opportunity, and learni...

How Can I Carry Someone Elses Burdens?

It's true, we can handle more than we can imagine.  The song, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother, is a great example of the strength that God creates in us.  So when the ...

How Can I Use My Skills for God?

We're all good at something, and something is what God wants us to use to glorify his name.  Discover what you're really great at, then turn that spuerstar skill towar...

How Can I Stay Focused on God?

Don't pull the ADHD card when it comes to keeping focus on God.  This is anything but ADD.  Start your day with that focus, kind of like you've done with this Podcast....

How Can I Be a Good Neighbor?

Like Mr. Rogers, consider doing this every day.  Look around you and then discover a way to do something for someone else.  That's love and that's what God intended fo...

How Can I Glorify God?

We have a voice, we have hands to do things, but so many times we are confounded by HOW can I do something that can glorify my creator.  Just little old me.  Know what...

How Do I Save Souls?

Answer is, it's not that big of a task. That's because God gives us the instruction book.  It's an easy read.

What is Grace?

We do not have the capacity alone to show grace.  Only through God can we move beyond the obvious and work with a situation that resolves in His grace.

What is Trust?

Usually when someone says "trust me", you run the other way.  When God says it, you would be smart to listen.

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