All Episodes

Displaying 271 - 300 of 364 in total

How Do I Show Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love?  Yeah, that's a tough one.  Because we have limits of what we can handle.  Good news is, God has given us extra capacity for those over limit times...

How Do I Endure Adversity?

Adversity.  You will bump into it, or it will bump into you.  Not on purpose, but just as a part of life, everyday.  You probably know the answer here.  Faith and noth...

Trusting the Father

Trust?  Have you ever experienced mistrust in a friend or family member?  They let you down.  It's okay because if you're looking for complete trust, there is only one...

Take a Walk Through the Holy Week

Imagine you were there.  The final week of life on earth for Jesus.  If you were there, would you have seen how profound each moment and each day was?  Imagine you wer...

How Can I Celebrate While Mourning?

Grief can be very consuming.  You've probably experienced that emotion with the loss of a friend or family member.  Instead, celebrate that person, their faith and wha...

The Strength of the Cross

Consider the power and strength of the cross.  It represents the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid for you and me.  It's just a couple of pieces of wood...or is it?

Plant for the Future

We are designed to move through each day with a focus on the next day.  If we use up everything today, we will have much less than we need for tomorrow and beyond.  Pl...

Hope Over Challenges

Yeah, it's tough.  Bigger than life, bigger than you can handle.  You know what, this little word, "hope" is bigger than any challenge you will face.  Pack some "hope"...

Moving Stones or How to Depend on God

Life is full of challenges.  Sometimes those challenges seem, and are bigger than life.  Impossible for you.  Possible with God's help.

What is Your Prayer Stance?

What happens when you stop your day for prayer?  Most of us find a quiet place and a prayerful stance to deeply engage in communicating with our Father.  Is that what ...

Remind Yourself of Your Faith

Do you write stuff down so you don't forget.  What about your faith?  How about a daily reminder of how centric and important that connection is.  Take a moment, remin...

How Can I Overcome Trials in Life?

We were not placed on this earth to live in a bubble.  We were put here to live a purposeful life.  And life comes with a few speed bumps.  That's a fact.  With God on...

How Can I Trust in God's Word?

Have you ever had a friend or better yet, a salesperson who's first words were "trust me"?  And if you were smart, you ran the other way.  But God's word is over the t...

How Can I Handle Disappointment?

Let's face it, we don't like it when things don't go our way.  It's aggravating, frustrating, and downright unpleasant.  But how we take those lemon days and make lemo...

How Can I Appreciate God's Beauty?

We live life too fast.  I'm not sure why we are in such a hurry.  In the fast lane you miss the best parts of life.  The beautiful moments and places, people, experien...

How Can I Use Faith to Stay Safe?

We are given signals throughout our day.  These are not audible signals, but more like faith signals.  The come from our understanding of what God would do.  He is con...

Do I React Instead of Respond?

There's a big difference in reacting instead of responding.  Reacting means conflict has triggered an unfortunate end to whatever it was that bothered you.  Responding...

How Does God Live in Me?

Sure, you can wear one of those WWJD bracelets, slap on a bumper sticker, or sell the message with a bright tee shirt.  But God's presence in you is defined by your ac...

How Can I Avoid Making Bad Decisions?

Go ahead, admit it, we all make a bad decision here and there.  Sometimes more often than we like.  Acting on impulse, saying the wrong words, responding the wrong way...

How Do I Understand Truth?

Truth is so often debated.  Truth as in The Bible is not a platform for debate.  Truth, God's truth is something that is learned and truth gives us a roadmap to living...

How Do I Overcome Failure?

Failure, nobody likes to fail.  But failure is always an opportunity to learn and get better at this thing called life.  Question is, how can you make failure turn int...

How Do I Become More Compassionate?

It's easy to look the other way.  It's not so easy to look in the right direction.  I'll be it has happened to you.  Compassion is not an easy habit to grow.  But God ...

How Can I Lessen Burdens in my Life?

Speed bumps, cloudy days, past-due bills, unfriendly neighbors and whatever comes your way.  That's life, and it's not going to change anytime soon.  Question is, how ...

What is My Purpose in Life?

So, we're born with purpose.  That's a fact.  Some achieve that purpose and others skate through life without impacting anything.  Other's take life by storm and make ...

How Can I Trust in God, Daily?

Life is bumpy and comes with some unexpected surprises, the ones we don't like to see.  So if that's a fact, and it is, how can we build a dally trust that get's us th...

How Can I Become a Better Servant to God?

There's always room for improvement, right?  Problem is, many folks look backwards instead of forwards.  You can't dwell on the past and expect tomorrow to get better....

How Can I Receive God's Pardon?

Humility, it's not always easy to be at that place.  But humility is the first step in connecting and receiving God's pardon.  Put down the excuses and come prepared t...

How Can I Strengthen My Bond with God?

Friendships and relationships grow stronger when we work at making them stronger.  If you have been introduced to God, schedule a time and have a conversation.  Then b...

How Can I Find God?

Sometimes the things that are elusive, are right in front of our eyes.  If we are not tuned in, listening like we should, we miss that opportunity to connect.  Miss a ...

How Can I NOT Use the Devil as an Excuse?

Excuses, are worthless.  Excuses are a defense mechanism, an easy way out.  Blame somebody else and you are not focusing on the one thing that will make you a better p...

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